Monday, July 29, 2013

July Sabbatical Comes to an End

     The term "Sabbatical" is derived from a word which literally means "ceasing." It's a break or a rest from work, traditionally lasting from two months to a year. The scriptures speak to the sabbatical principle in a number of places and describe it as a time of rest and refreshment in order to prepare again for productive labor.
     August 1 marks the end of a short sabbatical for me for the month of July. I am grateful for a church that sees the value of providing such a time for their pastor and the encouragement and support to make it happen.
     How did I spend these days? The time was not additional vacation time. I have vacation weeks granted each year for rest and relaxation and have to confess that I've not always been good about taking all of my vacation allotment through the years. I should do better in that area, but that's a different discussion.
     The sabbatical time provided an opportunity for a break in routine that freed me to be able to read, do some planning for sermon direction for the months ahead, and allow God to use the time to bring refreshment to my spirit. We were also able to worship in different churches - something we don't often have the opportunity to do. In each setting I was able to experience a good time of worship, but also to gain ideas for things that we can incorporate in our worship as well. Experiencing those things is much better than simply hearing about them.
     These days, though in a different way than the other 11 months of the year, can be very productive ones for me and, ultimately, for the church as well. Camille and I spent time together and were also able to pull back from the daily demands of ministry leadership in order to be refreshed and refocused.
     I'm grateful for our staff  who faithfully picked up the extra responsibilities through the month. I'm thankful for these men and the ministries and leadership they provide.
     Though Ryan Walling, Al Magness, and Randy Seale all had time away for vacation or conferences during the month, they made certain that everything continued smoothly. And even though I did have a vision team meeting, a church wedding, (plus a wedding for our son), and a few details that required my attention, I was otherwise able to maintain a "low profile" throughout the weeks. I think Camille is ready to send me back to the office now!
     I will look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday, August 4 as we look together at John 9 and share the Lord's Supper.

Pastor Rod

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Looking Ahead

     The month of August is both an ending and a beginning. It means that summer is drawing to a close. School begins a new year in just about one month from now. That can be good news or bad news, depending on how things are going for your summer at this point - and maybe whether you are a parent or a child. But either way, the time is drawing short.
    August is also something of a beginning. In many ways it's like the beginning of a new year. As the month moves toward a conclusion, we usually find ourselves looking ahead to new beginnings in the fall. That's certainly true in the church. Families are returning from vacations, rested from a change of pace, and are preparing for a fresh start once again.
     We can look forward to the months to come with a sense of anticipation of new things. We will share together in the Lord's Supper on August 4 as I begin a new 5 week series which will focus on taking the gospel to our community, our motivation for doing so, and the exceptional opportunity God has given us to reach our neighborhood comprised of numerous cultures and life situations, as well as the northwest Austin area. This will not be a series that simply urges us to go, but one that will also reveal the heart of God and His desire for everyone to know His love. It will be a good time to invite friends who do not yet know Christ to join you in worship.
     Then, beginning September 8, we will join with approximately 250 evangelical churches across our city in a campaign called Explore God. You have probably already noticed billboards around the city directing people to the the website For 7 weeks we will all be sharing the same themes in our preaching and teaching, giving us the opportunity and equipping us to help friends and those we meet to explore God. You are already hearing about the campaign at AMBC and I want to urge you to join others as we link with thousands of other believers in taking the gospel to Austin. There has never been an effort like this in any city across America. But others are watching us and now making plans to do what we are doing. Revival and a sweeping movement of the gospel could be just ahead, beginning in Austin, Texas. Will you pray for that?
     Finally, as we near the conclusion of our months of vision clarity work, we can look forward to the roll-out of those details in the next few months. I have been encouraged by the progress we have seen as God has enabled us to gain a better understanding of our community, the uniqueness of our church family, our values, and how we can put that information into a renewed vision for reaching those who do not yet know Christ.
     I'm looking forward to returning to preach in August as we anticipate together a fantastic fall to come.

Pastor Rod